
We will focus on prevention, intervention, and diversion to reduce the likelihood of an emergency but will be ready to respond should one befall us.

Dennis Weiner

Chief of Police, Round Rock ISD

Office of the Chief

From the office of Chief Weiner,

The officers of the Round Rock ISD police department take very seriously the opportunity we are afforded to serve students as positive law enforcement role models. Our police officers and social workers are focused on prevention and intervention methods. And with public safety and mental health partners, we seek to divert students in crisis toward a healthy and productive trajectory.

We will lead by example and practice mentorship, strengthening trust and communication by building officer and student relationships. Through these relationships, we can identify, engage and make ourselves available to students if they need assistance or guidance.

At the same time, it’s equally vital that we continue enhancing our security and response capabilities. We accomplish this by partnering with our public safety partners and performing intensive planning, continuous training, and campus safety checks.

The Round Rock ISD police department is committed to providing our students, staff, and families with a safe and secure learning environment. We know that students and staff can concentrate, enjoy learning and achieve great things when they feel safe.

When you see a Round Rock ISD police officer on campus, please feel free to introduce yourself, ask questions, or just say hello. And if I can be of any assistance, please email me or call 512-464-5000.

The officers, social workers, and I thank you for your support.


Anonymous Reporting

Patented anti-bullying and safety reporting app

Feedback Forms

Not for use to report an emergency or an official complaint, §614.023.

Feedback form - English
Formulario de Comentarios Sobre el Servicio de la


For emergencies, DIAL 911


For non emergencies, please contact the Williamson County Communications Department at 512-864-8355.
